Your nose has a unique way to scent out thankfulness! Yes, your nose… knows how to be thankful! Just think of these scents:
- Memories from a scent: your mother’s perfume, long after she is no longer with you… or, for me, it’s smelling the smoke from a cigar. It reminds me of my father who passed into eternity 34 years ago… What about a campfire? Or your favorite soap?
- Imagine walking through the door at the end of a long day and inhaling the delicious aroma of roast beef or chili, or… (What’s your favorite food smell?) When family remarks on how the food smells, (in a positive way, of course), I will respond by saying that it’s a good way to start the meal! Their noses lead the way.
- What about just before you take that first sip in the morning – oh, the smell of fresh-brewed coffee! Or bacon frying on a holiday morning…
- And baby cuddles! Isn’t that the best smell when they’re fresh from the bath?
- The fragrance of a flower… rose, lilac, lavender… Walking through a herb garden is a feast for your nose – have you ever smelled fresh dill, mint or basil?
Your nose knows how to be thankful!
What’s your favorite scent?
Now, there’s something to be thankful for!
Write it down.
Make note!
Add it to your 30 days of being Thankful!
(This is Day 2. Use a piece of paper, a notebook, your phone or social media. Or download this PDF I created, and print it! The idea is to have a record of 30+ things you’re thankful for at the end of November!)
Join us on this journey of being thankful – If you haven’t already seen it, here’s the first prompt to start you off: Thankful for the View.
Leave a comment about what scent makes you feel thankful…

If you want to carry gratitude into next year take a look at this calendar: A Year of Gratitude Page-A-Day Calendar 2020