Stay focused, be positive, do the work.
You may or may not realize, but I have some issues with procrastination… can you relate? Even a little?
A long while ago, when I was writing about encouraging your spouse, I even wrote a book about procrastination in marriage. It was a way to finally answer my husband and adult children’s question, “So how is your book coming along?”
Yes, I finally overcame my procrastination and finished and published that book.
During the research for my book, I dove into what causes people to procrastinate and came up with 9 reasons:
- we fear failure – or success
- we don’t know where to start or how to finish,
- we’re bored,
- we’re striving for perfection,
- we’re saving our energy for something else (otherwise known as laziness),
- we’re too tired,
- we’re rebelling,
- we don’t have the motivation to keep going,
- and we’re distracted by a million other things.
Of course, I worked those reasons into why couples procrastinate in making their marriage more – better – and often avoid encouraging their spouse.
And sure, this information on procrastination can be translated into all our lives. Not just marriage.
*As you’re reading the rest, please note that this post is a “flashback” – I began writing it at the beginning of February 2023 – and updated it this week. Yes. that’s relevant.
In fact, as I write this I’m procrastinating working on a big (at least to me) project coming up at the end of February 2023. I’m supposed to be creating something for that, but instead, I’m writing to you – about how to stay focused, be positive, and do the work. Yes, one of my goals is to write an article every week. And create an image that might be useful to those reading.
But I really should be working on that other thing… instead of the random tasks I’m doing.
What’s stopping me – well, I got caught up… played around with some AI tools for creating images and headlines, but it’s not going to address my “big rock” task. Then I went onto another image creator I use for my crafting and did a little bit of searching for something to use as an image for this article. That isn’t getting my first and greatest task done either. And we won’t discuss how many videos I’ve been watching. Nope. Not going to touch on that topic! Also, I may have initiated and responded to a few texts…
Those things, including writing this first draft (you’ll be reading the final article – I usually do about three drafts) are just me avoiding my big project because I’m a little bit scared of failing as it’s the first time I’m doing this new thing. (Don’t worry, I’ll eventually tell you about it in March. *UPDATE – link is below!
What really needs to happen? How do I stop procrastinating?
I need to:
Stay focused, be positive, and do the work!
It’s not a complicated formula.
Not really.
Well, self-discipline is key.
I’ve actually decided that I’m not going to bed today until I’ve finished the second of four parts of this big project. And I have all I need to do it – I just need to DO the work!
So, I’m giving us both a pep talk!
Is there something in your life you’ve been procrastinating on “doing”?
- maybe it’s addressing a health issue – reaching for a recovery?
- have you left something undone that really needs to be finished?
- could you revisit your goals and map out a step-by-step plan to get there?
Whatever it is… let’s both make a dent in what we really need to do! Those things which will make a big difference – in our lives, and in others’ lives need to get done.
Now is a good time to do it.
UPDATE: I began writing this article as I was procrastinating (I guess you “got” that, right?) Well, I did finish. I was invited to share on the topic of “But GOD” at an event with ladies in one of our churches in Florida… and I did it! If you’re interested, here’s the presentation – and included is a picture of me at the conference – to document that I actually did it! LOL

If you want to download these little circles with optimistic statements – for free – click here!