How do you make optimism a habit in your life?

Maybe you find being positive easy, or perhaps it feels forced at times. Even for me, there are days where I struggle to “walk the talk”. So what helps?

Positive Sticky Thoughts - card bundle - Make Positivity a Habit

Here are 3 ways to make optimism a habit:

1. Optimism grows from thankfulness. Be aware of all the opportunities you have in your life to be grateful. Express them!

2. Smile. Yes, smiling releases dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin which have a physiological impact. Even a forced smile works.

3. Surround yourself with positive words. What we think is important. When you find yourself dwelling on the negative, replace it with positive statements. Scripture verses work for me and a few days ago I wrote an article with 25 Sticky Postive Thoughts to see if any of them resonated for you. From your responses to that post, it seemed like you liked the idea.

In response to those who emailed after the article, “25 Sticky Positive Thoughts” – I created a PDF to print out cards with the statements.

You can download and print the cards yourself – and make them as pretty as you choose…– click HERE.

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What statements would you add? Make optimism a habit!

Make optimism a habit - get 25 positive sticky thoughts to help.

Here’s the video where I learned how to make the little envelope…