Your kindness has an impact. It’s more than just that act, it’s a seed for something greater.

Perhaps you’ll never see how your act of kindness changes the world around you, but I believe we sow seeds with our kindnesses from which gratitude will grow. Sometimes those seeds will languish, and do nothing. But there will be times where those seeds will grow into a blossom of gratitude.

If you see value in a being thankful, then create an environment where others will have specific reasons to feel thankful themselves.

Your generous kindness

creates the environment

for gratitude to blossom in others.

Do you need ideas on practical acts of kindness? Here are 25 ideas on how to be kind for no reason. 

Now, imagine your world filled with thankful human beings. You can make it happen. It starts with your kindnesses – random and simple or deliberate and complex.

When you are kind you are building a more beautiful space. And that is something to be thankful for… yes?

Kindness is a seed from which gratitude grows

Kindness is a seed from which gratitude grows - #thankfulThursday