Hello there – what makes your heart race, your eyes sparkle, and puts a spring in your (metaphorical) step? I’m guessing we all have a few passions that make our personal and professional lives unique. So what are yours?
What are you passionate about?
Yup. Ended a sentence in a preposition. Perhaps I should have phrased it: “About what are you passionate?” — LOL — Regardless.
My husband and I have a wubbie* show. The Big Bang Theory. In one episode a character is dissatisfied with not being passionate about topics, unlike her friends who are science/tech nerds. She eventually identifies something for which she has a passion. Can you relate?
Do you find it difficult to pinpoint your passions? Or not?
Maybe you have a career that’s your passion. Or your family has all your attention and you realize that nurturing is your focus. Some have hobbies they can talk about ad nauseam and wherein they lose track of time.
Saying Hello – What’s your passion…
In business circles, there’s a term called an Elevator Speech. It’s basically a very, very quick introduction to your passion. People hone their elevator pitch/speech constantly and memorize or internalize it.
The idea is that in the space of less than a minute they’ll be able to introduce their strengths or passion to a person of importance.
In the blogging world, we put this information on our “About” page. (Or in our side-bar.) When I’m reading online I always look for clues to who the person writing is, and what words they use to identify themselves. Do you do that too?
If you had to introduce yourself – quickly – what would you say?
- career: writer, doctor, chef, carpenter, financial planner…
- relationships: mother, father, daughter, son…
- hobbies: fishing, reading, crafting, gardening, humor, traveling…
Sometimes saying “hello” is hard. It may change according to whom you’re meeting. (Is that who or whom? Language experts, please weigh in… ! )
HELLO! Who is Lori?
As it says in my sidebar:
I’m a writer, a wife to Rob for 36 years, a mom to grown children, and a Gram to two. My focus is to be optimistic, thankful, and to encourage you!
~ Lori Ferguson. See Colossians 2:2
My passions are obvious: writing, family, optimism, thankfulness, and encouragement. I’m also passionate about my faith – hence the Scripture verse I’ve adopted as my focus.
Of course, I have other passions. I’m guessing we all have those that we don’t mention in an elevator speech or on a quick About Page…
What else do I love to do? I’m a voracious reader in many, many areas, I “play with paper“, I love to travel (we spent years living in an RV traveling the USA – that was a bucket list item) and more.
There’s always more, isn’t there?
We’re all unique and complex people.
What’s your “hello” speech? How do you introduce yourself?
Leave a comment below and introduce yourself! Say hello!

(*FYI – “wubbie” in this instance means something that brings comfort, like a child’s fuzzy blanket. We use this show (The Big Bang Theory) as a way to just unwind and we’ve seen each episode in 12 seasons so often we can quote the lines before the character says them. I’m guessing you’ll see this trait as quirky, odd, or oddly endearing. I’ll let you choose. LOL )
You might also be interested in this post – it’s one of the most popular on this site: “Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.“
My passion is writing but not just writing. I love to help people with my writing. I share my knowledge and wisdom with others.
Helping others is a wonderful focus, Brenda. And communicating to help can transcend time and geography. Thanks for introducing yourself!
Hi Lori…
When I worked, I enjoyed training, holding conferences and working on a monthly newsletter.
Since I’ve had to step out of working due to health issues, my passions today are paper crafting, Junk Journals and Genealogy.
Love your journaling card!
First of all, I love this new idea for an elevator speech. Mine would go something like this:
I love to write stories for worthy non-profits to help them raise money and awareness. I’m a writer at heart, an avid reader, and a die-hard Phillies Phan. I’ve been married to my husband Scott for 23 years this September. We have two beautiful children and a dog. Besides writing, I am turning 50 early next year and working on being and respecting my authentic self.
As a renaissance man (a sobriquet awarded to me by my kids) with a desire to learn something new more than once a day and to ensure that the world is improved one step at a time (and again every day), back when tweets were limited to 140 characters i developed two- much shorter than an elevator pitch.
Tough to show how much I know and do- so I write my blog to prove it to you.
From medicine to tax, with biz and hi tech, we keep you and your business from becoming a wreck.
Love your topic of the day…..my passion is, in case others have not guessed it is being healthy TOGETHER with my dogs, as well as my photography, and writing- all of which I want to bring into my health coaching- one reason why- WHY I started my blog- I wanted to share my experiences from years ago to now on how I run and do doga (yoga with your dog) TOGETHER, and how I am working on a weight training program to workout with my dogs…also how I brought my past and present dogs into my plant-based/ vegan lifestyle- YES it can be done! But like anything else you need to know what you’re doing and do it right!
Hello, I’m a retired librarian and my passion is uncovering family history and writing about it to share with anyone willing to read it.
My main passion is my family. Hubby and I are celebrating out 53rd anniversary the end of July. I do adore our 22 month old great granddaughter. She is a bundle of smiles and her passion is sharing them with everyone she passes.
Hi, I’m Nancy. A career bookkeeper and handmade business owner. I provide bookkeeping tips to handmade & creative business owner that help them handle their bookkeeping tasks with confidence.
I bet your thinking OMG how can you deal with numbers all the time!