As imperfect as we all are, we do have worth. Great worth.

Did you hear me?

You have great worth.

Your self worth is not dependent on another person accepting you, affirming you, helping you, believing you, admiring you, approving of you, buying into your ideas, or not, or anything else outside of yourself.

You have great worth because you are here.

You were born for a purpose.

Even if no other human on this planet can understand that, you still have great worth. Perhaps, in this moment, even you can’t pinpoint why you were put on this earth, however, you do have great worth. I’m convinced of it… God does not make mistakes.

You are not a mistake.

You have value.


It doesn’t matter how old or young you are. Your physical appearance, perceived ability or inabilities will not have an impact on the person you’ve been designed to become. Even if you are struggling right now with horrible issues – seen or unseen – there will be a way through. There will.

Because you have great worth.

Is it hard to believe it?

Is it hard to believe you have great worth?

OK. It could be that believing in your own worth is hard at times. Maybe all the hoopla and hoorays about starting the new year fresh is painful to hear and read. Maybe you’re afraid. Perhaps you can’t see a way forward right now… (even if on the outside you’re putting up a good front. Or not.)

Alright. OK. Take a breath. And another. One more breath.

Is there someone in your life who can believe for you – can someone believe you have great worth – and do it on your behalf? Just for a bit. Can that person believe in your worth, until you’re strong enough to believe it yourself?

I believe you have great worth.

If you’re reading this, know that I’m thinking of, and writing to YOU.

Yes – you.

Don’t give up.

Put that alcohol, that drug, that 50th eclair down. You have great worth. I’ll believe it for you until you can believe it yourself. It will get better. You will make it through. The mess you feel you’re in will pass. Relationships can be renewed, rebuilt, re-imagined. Be kind to yourself. Any mistake you’ve made… God can forgive.

There is grace available. Always.


Because you have great worth.

You have great worth. You were made for a purpose - even if it's hard to believe right now. #positivethanksliving

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

2 Corinthians 13:14

Want to feel and explore the love of God – read this.

NOTE:  is there someone in your sphere of influence who you sense is struggling? Reach out. Tell that person that they have worth – that they matter. It will make a difference. (Others did that for me – that’s how I can know.)  And if they can’t believe – yet – then believe it for them.