Consider your five senses and think about what’s lovely in your life right now:
and taste.
Sometimes we overlook the obvious when we’re looking for the good in our lives.
We’re so caught up in social media, dealing with our children or parents, handling the next crisis, or worrying about what might happen, even though it hasn’t happened yet.
Is your mind all a-flutter? Going in circles, metaphorically or physically? Or have you ground to a halt – inertia gotcha?
This is just a quick reminder… check-in… right now – to this moment.
Get out of your head and tune into your senses…
sight, sound, smell, taste and touch…
Make a quick list of all that’s lovely.
It won’t take long. It’s simple. You can do this.
And take a lovely, deep breath…
I return you to your regularily scheduled thoughts.
Or not?

Finally, my brothers and sisters, always think about what is true.
Think about what is noble, right and pure.
Think about what is lovely and worthy of respect.
If anything is excellent or worthy of praise,
think about those kinds of things.
Philippians 4:8 NIRV
If your thoughts aren’t lovely, then do something about them… you’re in control. Regardless.
Quick! think of 5 lovely things… Leave a comment on what you’ve tasted or smelled or felt or seen or heard that’s lovely today!
(My grandboy’s hug was amazing – and my husband’s voice always makes me smile. My chicken wings tasted delicious and the sight of blue sky after rain clouds made my heart sing. And my lavender hand lotion always raises my spirit.)
Make a list!

If you’re feeling lost and don’t know where to turn, then here’s a reminder to just do the next thing. Read these few words on that thought…
I love this post! 5 lovely things for today…my great granddaughter giving me the biggest hug when she woke up, getting splashed when giving her a bath (and her laughing so hard!), walking through our flower gardens with hubby and Lia, delicious leftover meatloaf (tasted better today than yesterday) and #5 Lia crawling up on GGpapa’s lap and saying “I love you” before drifting off for her nap.
Happiness is something I have been struggling with. I know I need to change things and what needs changed is going to hurt a lot of people but for my Peace of mind I have to do it as soon as possible. I love the tag you shared with us.
Thank you for reminding me to mind my senses. My mind and heart have been aflutter these last while. Reading this lovely post has reset my rhythm.
loved this!!!!!