Just take the next step – until the ordinary becomes extraordinary!
Diligence. Perseverance. Dedication.
These three values are where the excellence shows up and what makes the ordinary become extraordinary…
Just think about it: we all have 24 hours in a day. Every. Single. Person.
Each year is made up of 8760 hours.
The difference between an ordinary day and an extraordinary life happens in the hours we diligently persevere with a dedication to our goal.
One hour at a time.
A step.
The next step.
Until the ordinary becomes extraordinary.
Even if it’s only one step every hour, it’ll still bring progress…
You can do this. Every ordinary person can live an extraordinary life. One step at a time.
Just take the next step!

“Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.”
~ Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
Samuel Johnson was an English literature poet, playwright, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, editor, and lexicographer.
Despite many physical afflictions, including
- childhood tuberculous scrofula resulting in deep facial scarring,
- deafness in one ear
- blindness in one eye,
- gout,
- testicular cancer,
- a stroke in his final year that left him unable to speak,
- his autopsy indicated that he had pulmonary fibrosis
- along with cardiac failure probably due to hypertension
- and displayed signs of depression
- and Tourette syndrome,
he persevered. (Read more about his life here.)
One of his notable works was a dictionary. Can you imagine the detail it would take to write and compile a dictionary?
One word at a time until the ordinary becomes extraordinary.
Samuel Johnson’s dictionary took 8 years to complete and was the most commonly used and imitated for the years between its first publication in 1755 and the completion of the Oxford English Dictionary in 1928.
You’re extraordinary.
All of us have the same number of hours in a day, days in a month, and months in a year. That’s ordinary. But if we practice Diligence, Perseverance, Dedication, that’s where our ordinary changes…
What’s your “extraordinary” going to be?
What step will you take today?
Because you’re not ordinary… you’re extraordinary!