What, in your future, are you thankful to be able to anticipate?

I must say, that the older I get, the shorter my list becomes. We (my husband and I) have done and owned many things on our list of goals. Some we are happy about, and others leave room for improvement.

Regardless, I’m still thankful.

But what about the future?

As I write this, I think about you – the person who will read this. I’m grateful you will read my words and hope they have a positive impact.

Sometimes the future we’re anticipating is simply the joy of sharing a meal with those we love. Sometimes it’s a grand future that’ll take many, many years to accomplish. Regardless, we can be thankful to anticipate any future at all. For all of us, it will come to an end.*  Grab hold of what you can anticipate, and be grateful!

Make a list of all the small things you’re anticipating for your future. And if it’s a huge anticipation, then make sure you note every small part of it!

Be thankful for the future!

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