Thankful all the time – do you ever need something to remind you to be thankful?
I do. Sometimes.
And that’s OK.
There are times when we get bogged down by circumstances and need help to refocus. Yes. There are times when life isn’t good no matter how much we’d wish or plan otherwise. There are days – and events in those days – that can feel quite unsettling.
However, we still can direct our thoughts to the smallest moment and find something, even one thing, to be thankful for…
Focus on one moment at a time and search for the barest nuance that can make that hour better than the reality of the whole circumstances.
Thankfulness – gratitude – can be the solution to the worst events in life. However, there’s more to just noticing and being thankful. Our gratitude has to translate into action. This is, it’s making those things we’re thankful for – a part of who we are becoming…
This quote might put into words what I’m trying to say…
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
John F Kennedy
Not to utter “WORDS”, but to live by those words? Think of all the things you’re thankful for in others – can you live by those character or quality “words” you value in others?
Thankful all the time – regardless. And living it…
Robert and I often reference our values which are “words”: loyalty, optimism, discovery. We try to live by those words, and not just talk about them… And we notice when others show up with those qualities, sometimes doing them better than we’ve ever imagined we can do!
What values in yourself and others do you treasure?
Other “words” we try to live by and notice in others are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (These words are called “fruit of the Spirit” and I find them referenced here.)
Have you ever thought of the character “fruit” you provide to those around you?
Think about people in your life who embody the precious qualities you value… give thanks for those people!
And then work to make those qualities a part of your behavior as you move forward…
Right now, we are giving thanks for many, many people who are making the lives of our children better, because of their character qualities.
Those who are supporting our son and daughter-in-love in a time of crisis and emotional pain, are sharing their faith, courage, and helpfulness, their kindness and empathy and knowledge – the list goes on…
Thankful all the time. Regardless.
I can work on all those qualities I’m thankful for in others – make them a part of, a greater part of who I am… Maybe we can do that together?
And it begins when we find those small things to be thankful for – even in horrible circumstances.

Click to see my latest video on YouTube where I share the beautiful kindnesses given to me in the last weeks. Also, you can read about the kindnesses being shown to Alex and Alisane in Charlie’s journey as he goes through NICU, surgery, and becoming stronger and healthier.
One aspect that has created in me a sense of strength and focused my thoughts on thankfulness is a set of scripture. I invite you to download the images for your own – you can find them HERE
(the picture above has one of the 12 images as an example – they’re floral wreaths)
I pray they provide you with strength and encouragement also.
I’ve also used some of these Scripture verses in the latest prayer journal I’ve made available on Amazon. It has lined pages, and pages to color, because coloring isn’t just for kids. Many adults color to relax – so this book includes that option around words chosen from the Scripture verses. Maybe it’s a time to contemplate the Scripture? I’ll make a video to show the inside of that book soon…