Do you believe there are many kind people in this world?
I do.
Reflecting on kindness made me realize:
Our family members are often kind – especially if we’ve encouraged that behavior.
My spouse, Rob, is often more kind than I am. And my adult children are kind, at least as far as I’ve noticed. One example is my hobby of playing with paper. Since crafting in this way isn’t my family’s interest, I’m very thankful they’ve demonstrated their kindness in words of affirmation and gifts to make more paper-y things. In fact, Rob doesn’t even complain about the schnibbles of paper etc that show up all around the house. (He IS happy he doesn’t have to share an office with me anymore, so his space stays clean and neat. <wink>) I’m thankful for my family and their kindness.
So, I have to reflect on my kindness to my family – Am I kind? Hmmmmmm…?

Friends are kind.
They check in when they’ve not seen us, or they reach out with a text, or more on special occasions. In fact, I have a special senior lady who texts me each morning with a song from YouTube and a note that she’s praying for Rob and me.
And again – am I kind to my friends? Do I remember their special occasions and notice when they’re not well? Hmmmmm? Yeah. Not always. Not enough… Sadly. But I’m thinking of you, my friends who may read this. These “kindness quotes” remind me of you!
Sometimes strangers are kind.
I’ve gone through a drive-through and the car ahead has paid for my drink. Oh, what a kind surprise! I’ve had strangers hold the door open for me. That was kind.
Just a smile from a stranger is a kind gesture…
Yes, I believe most people in this world have the ability to be kind. If they choose – or focus on it! And I need to work to be one of those people for others! How about you?

Since making videos on YouTube (they’re about journaling and making art) and also posting my crafting creations on Instagram and Facebook, I’ve been encouraged and even uplifted when people leave kind comments.
So, for all those who are visiting and reading this post and we met on YouTube or another social site, “Thank you for your kindness!” You’ve made a difference in my life.
Yes. Most strangers are mostly kind.
May it all begin with us…

And that is where this reflection started, and this post grew from – along with the quotes on kindness I’m sharing today. (see below for the link)
Click HERE to Download a 2-page “Kindness Quotes” pdf – there are seven images with quotes to use in your own crafting – or just to remind yourself to reflect on kindness…
There’s enough in the world to divide us…
Let’s make kindness a way to bridge the divide!

One way I remind myself to be kind is to reflect on this statement from the Scripture – it’s from Jesus:
( if you want to download this to reflect – click HERE)