Learn how to be optimistic.

Learn how to be optimistic.

Learn how to be optimistic. Basically, you aren't required to be born a positive person - optimism can be learned. Don't give up just because you're not good at it! Because there's a way to... Learn how to be optimistic. But how, you ask? If I'm being candid with you,...

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What would a kind friend say?

What would a kind friend say?

If you were hurting, discouraged, angry, indignant, despondent, uncomfortable and/or generally blah... What would a kind friend say to you? There's a good chance what you're saying to yourself (your inner dialogue) is different from what a loving friend would say to...

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Positivity is Contagious

Positivity is Contagious

Is your positivity contagious – or are you waiting for someone else to pass it onto you? Here’s a little illustration to ponder…

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Life as a symphony.

Life as a symphony.

Don’t whistle alone in a room – make your life deeper with a symphony of voices! Here are some new voices for your pleasure from my April writing challenge.

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I'm Lori

I'm Lori

~ a writer, wife, mom, and gram with the desire to encourage you to feel loved, optimistic, thankful and to acheive the goals you’re working toward.