Be thankful for the one. One step forward, one page written, one child encouraged, one heart strengthened, one person eating well, one bed made, one load of laundry folded, one desire fulfilled, one prayer answered, one smile, one…

Never underestimate the one thing.

Every book began with a page of writing, and every blog began with that first post. A relationship begins with a smile between two people. The knowledgable person began their journey with one item of information. New forests begin with one tree. (I was reminded by this post.) Revolutionary technology begins with an idea. Each business starts with one client.

One. It could be the start of something big!

I’m encouraging you to be thankful for one thing – that first item, or the next one thing on your list. Why? Because it has value. (And yes, I’m talking to myself also.)

It’s so easy to gloss over what you’ve already accomplished because you’re desperately focused on all you have yet to add to your resume.

Consider this tweet from Simon Sinek:

One way to appreciate the “joy of the start” is by being thankful.

Be thankful for the one thing.

I challenge you to write down what you’re thankful for – today. The one thing. Just one thing. What one action have you taken that holds value? (And value is subjective – you decide.) Here are some ideas on how to record it:

  • write it on your bathroom mirror (I like these kids’ washable crayons.)
  • use a sticky note and put it on your microwave (’cause we usually stand in front of it as we count down the seconds)
  • get the 365 gratitude app for your phone

Maybe you already do this “being thankful” in some form? 

If so…  YAY you!  Leave a comment on how you’ve developed being thankful – where do you record it? Do you add those items that you’re accomplishing?

Or leave a comment on what your ONE thing is that you’re thankful for doing today!

Let’s all celebrate – together – taking one action to move forward.

… and then record it again tomorrow.

And the day after.


Until your microwave is filled with sticky notes or your app has 365 notations, or you can’t see yourself in the bathroom mirror anymore because it’s so full of those “one” actions!

Be thankful for the one. It all begins with one thing - one action forward. Consistently. #positivethanksliving #positivity #optimism #thankfulness #gratitude

You can. Yes. It’s just that simple.