Positive People look for things for which to be thankful.

Gratitude as a way of life is part of a positive person’s belief system. Even if they’re not a born optimist, positive people have trained themselves to be grateful.

Giving thanks helps other’s outlook by redirecting them to look at what’s good.

This is the 2nd of 8 ways Positive People help other people’s outlook on life.

8 ways positive people help other people’s outlook on life – I’m guessing they’re more than eight… maybe you can add some?

I won’t overwhelm you with all eight right now, rather, I’ll share one every day for the next eight days for you to think about… Here’s the first one from yesterday.

There’s every chance we won’t be good at all eight – even if we are pursuing becoming a Positive Person. No worries. Optimists always know there is room for improvement.